Great Designing Begins With Truly Integrated Way of Working

Customer Perspective
For starting the process, we analysis the client's viewpoint towards the designing of the website. We ask them to share the details of the products/services that they are dealing with so to understand their industry.

Market Analysis
To put forward, we study the client's market or the industry that they are dealing with. We look into the competitors and study the requirement that client may have to determine what goals the site needs to fulfill.

Designing Process
After studying all the details and the market of the client, we start with designing concept and digging into the sitemap, defining how the content and features we defined in scope definition will interrelate.

Prototype Development
With design approved, it’s time to develop the design of the pages, develop content , create slideshows and other media that will appear on the site. Before the site is launched, it will be aired on a internal server where only internal audiences and client can view the site.

Deployment & Support
Once everything's working beautifully, it's time to execute the site launch. But once the site is launched, the project isn’t over. It needs constant care and maintenance. Website maintenance is important for the long-term health and success of a website, as well as a source of potential recurring revenue.